Mike Unger

Contributing Writer

Katie Brown on a winter run in her home mountains in Utah. Photo by Craig Lloyd.

Mike Unger left his high-stress corporate job to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail in 2006. That experience forever changed him, and he purposefully re-arranged his life to allow for as much adventuring as possible. Today, he’s hiked over 28,000 miles on North American long trails and is one of a handful of people who is a Double Triple Crowner, having hiked the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails twice each.

He’s also picked up another passion along the way: long-distance bikepacking, including the 1,850-mile Pacific Coast route. When he’s not hiking or biking, he’s probably planning his next trip and/or researching gear.


Twitter: @MikeUngerPDX