Buying advice and tips for outdoor equipment

Buying advice on what to look for in outdoor gear, how to find the gear for you, and where to get deals on outdoor equipment. Expert advice for how to prep for trips and get the most out of your gear choices
Looking to reduce your environmental impact in 2024 when it comes to gear? Shop these brands! These sustainable and eco-friendly products are viable alternatives to some basic outdoor gear and a great place to start shopping more consciously.
Trying to decide between a down or synthetic jacket? Our definitive guide (and quiz) will help you decide! We’ll help you consider warmth-to-weight ratio, DWR treatment, insulation type, weather conditions, packability, cleaning and care, and more!
More than any other ski gear, boots must fit your foot right to perform well, and everyone’s feet are different. Here's how to find the right fit for you.
Learn all about ski bindings! From types to tips about choosing the right ones, our comprehensive guide ensures you hit the slopes with confidence.
Here’s what to consider when choosing a backpacking stove including fuel type, price, and accessories. Prioritize pack weight and weigh the pros and cons of liquid fuel stoves, wood-burning stoves, and alcohol stoves to find the right one for you.
Find the right trekking poles for on- and off-trail hiking and backpacking trips. Choose wisely, hike confidently!
For hikers, backpackers, and trail runners, even a marginal improvement in foot pain or fatigue is worth it. Insoles can provide this relief.
Reduce consumption by opting for used gear. We delve into why used gear, what to get used, the environmental impact, and how to change culture around used.
Outdoor companies are producing gear without PFAs and PFCs – without sacrificing performance. Here's why it matters.
From an overnighter to a PCT thru hike, here’s how to find the best backpack for you, how to fit a backpack, how to pack a backpack, and keeping your gear dry.
When are trail runners best? When are hiking shoes best? We dive into the details of the great hiking footwear debate.
What makes a good trail running shoe, tips for choosing your first pair, and buying advice to find the right shoe for your running style and technical terrain
How to fit a bicycle seat and choose a bike saddle for women that is comfortable and is measured to work with each woman’s unique anatomy
While testing volumes for our Backpacking Backpacks guide, we suspected manufacturer-stated volumes weren’t accurate or consistent for all brands. So, we measured the volumes and capacities specified across multiple brands, and here's what we found.
Quarantine training starts with patience, balance, and a good home workout. Here are the at-home exercise routines some of our writers and editors are using to build strength, challenge themselves, and stay sane during these hectic, uncertain times.