We have an award badge now!

Look for this symbol next to Treeline Review’s award winning gear

June 24th, 2024

The next time you’re perusing online for a piece of new gear, you may notice a new award badge among the other brands showcase when a product has received accolades from outdoor media. And that new badge would be ours! If you see the “Treeline Review Best Gear of 2024” award badge next to a product, you know it’s something we think is great, based on thorough testing and comparison from our expert reviewers. 

Ours stands out a bit from other media badges and reviews. While many of the big outdoor media publications are constantly rounding up new “best of” gear stories that almost exclusively include brand new gear, which often hasn’t even been tested, we’re a little more deliberate. 

Our gear reviews are not meant to showcase only the hottest, latest gear on the market — though we’re certainly looking at that and considering it in our testing. Our reviews are intended to find the best-performing, and most durable and sustainable gear for all sorts of outdoors people, whether that gear is brand new or tried and true. That means gear that’s been around for a while can still be an award winner if we truly believe it’s the best option out there. 

This also means that we put everything we review to the test, and we don’t take that lightly. Our testers and writers spend significant time, often multiple seasons, with a piece of gear that winds up in our reviews. If there’s a product worth mentioning that we haven’t gotten our hands on yet, we make that clear. And we never accept paid reviews, since that defeats the whole purpose of what we stand for. 

Our ultimate goal is to help guide you to the best gear for your needs so that you can ultimately end up buying less stuff, and certainly less junk. This badge is just one more way to hopefully help you decipher that. 

The reason we’re called Treeline Review is because above treeline, you get more perspective and can see more clearly. Our goal is not to simply tell you what the hot new products are. Instead, we give thorough comparison so you can better differentiate between the best use case for different products and help decide which best suits your needs. 

We do a hefty amount of research so that we’re confident we’re reviewing the most reputable items on the market, without leaving the creative cottage brands behind. We give our readers info on why one model might cost more than another, and whether or not we think that increase is worth it. And we hopefully leave you with the tools to decide which item or model is the best for you