Read our guide to get started mountain biking. Learn what you need to start from road to trail; we provide tips for beginners and guidance on safety gear, how to begin riding trail, getting started on single track, and how to choose a mountain bike.
Read MoreFor training, races, and performance — how to stay hydrated on runs, hydration gear, electrolytes, and hydration plans for runners to avoid dehydration.
Read MoreLearn how to hitchhike with tips from thru hikers, including how to prep for your hitchhike, how to increase your odds of getting picked up, and more.
Read MoreWhether you’re a backpacker seeking a new sport or a bike tourer looking for harder routes, this article will give you a clear idea of what bikepacking is, how to begin your weekend bikepacking adventure, and give resources for getting on the trail.
Read MoreConfluence Collective anglers share how to get started fly fishing, gear, how to learn about local fish, waters, and licenses, and how to find your community.
Read MoreSafety tips for crossing rivers and creeks while hiking and backpacking
Read MoreHow to stay hydrated for trail runners–hydration tips from beginners to runners tackling a trail race.
Read MoreSix LGBTQIA+ thru-hikers share advice on motivation, safety, and being queer outdoors to get you inspired to backpack a long trail.
Read MoreDon't let travel disrupt your running routine! Plan your route, pack effectively, handle jet lag, and stay motivated with our running tips.
Read MoreAlmost every hiker gets a blister and sore feet eventually. Here are our best tips on preventative foot care, which include wearing well-fitted shoes and socks, taking breaks, and more. Here’s how to take care of your feet while hiking.
Read MoreBeginner-friendly tips for gold prospecting, including getting started panning, where to find gold, protective clothing, equipment needed to get started, and strategies to find gold dust. Head to a nearby creek or buy a bag of paydirt and excavate!
Read MoreRisk assessment and decision making tips and advice for backpackers in a high snow year on the PCT, JMT, or CDT in the Sierra and San Juan mountains for group travel
Read MoreA panel of Pacific Crest Trail, John Muir Trail and Continental Divide Trail thru-hikers who backpacked in big snow years share their tips on gear, safety, planning, and morale
Read MoreTips, gear, and safety for thru-hiking in a high snow year on the PCT, JMT, or CDT in the Sierra and San Juan mountains, as recommended by a wilderness pro
Read MoreVideo recording of a live event with Syren Nagakyrie founder of Disabled Hikers and author of The Disabled Hikers Guidebook to Western Washington and Oregon
Read MoreBackpacking tips and advice for how to go on your first overnight backpacking trip, including a food and gear checklist and how to find a trail and campsite
Read MoreEncuentra nuestros consejos sobre cómo planificar un viaje de mochilero exitoso. Elija el área adecuada, elija su equipo, y tenga un plan en caso de emergencia.
Read MoreA beginner’s guide to full-time truck camper RV road tripping for a national park adventure: route apps, packing list, campground and boondocking safety tips
Read MoreHow to complete a century ride! Tips on getting into cycling, base training, nutrition, route planning, gear, outfitting a bike, and more. Set goals for long-duration, low-intensity rides for your first 100-miler or 100-km cycling training plans.
Read MoreDrive stress-free on your very own solo road trip! You can take the scenic route, plan stops, and prepare your vehicle (and playlists) with total freedom. See also our packing list and road trip tips on planning, budgeting, and preparation.
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